Physical theft on large construction and recycling sites is common and costly. Currently high monitory value for expensive metals is leading to an increase surge in pilfering and large scale robberies. We all need to know who we are employing and with a small outlay at the start of employment our team will help you in vetting the employees on your site.
In addition to the physical and directly expensive theft mentioned above, there is a consistently upward trend of personal data being exploited and potentially taken from waste management sites. The Data Protection Act 1998 dictates that any personal data held by any organisation must be kept secure and disposed of safely. More companies are leaning towards using specific waste disposal specialists to ensure they are fully compliant in meeting this obligation. With this in mind, employees who are likely to handle the destruction and disposal of confidential waste, including documents, hard drives, CD’s, tapes, mobile phones and electronic tablets are in a high position of trust.
Our BS7858 or bespoke screening skills will support you in verifying individuals placed in positions of trust. We will look at application forms and CV’s, running previous employment verification and verifying unspent criminal history. An individuals history which is confirmed externally and impartially based on facts will assist your recruitment choices to maximum effect.